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Handled Requests

Handled Cases - Year :

Help request for Jyothi for house construction

Case#1558   |   Type: House Construction  |  Category: Emergency   

Dear Friends, This request is for Jyothi for a house. She have 3cents land and did a foundation for the house but not able to continue as her husband who is a daily worker and they got a daughter. As of now they ae staying in a rented line house with not much security.Let us help this family to move into a new home. Thank you, Benny .. See more »

RAISED : $2135
Initiated on - 14-Apr-2024 -

Help Request for hear surgery for Chinnamma Joseph

Case#1516   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Emergency   

Chinnamma Joseph Thadathil, a resident of Manakad Gram Panchayat 12th ward, is seeking the help of well-wishers for treatment due to a heart ailment. Widow Chinnamma has undergone an operation at the Kottayam Medical College for a serious ailment in which one heart valve is blocked and blood leaks through the other valve into the heart. Being a very low-income family member, they cannot find the huge amount for the operation. .. See more »

RAISED : $990
Initiated on - 22-Jan-2024 -

Help support for Babu

Case#1509   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

Help request from Sobha for her husband Babu to meet medical expenses. Babu is diabetic and has undergone amputation of toes recently. He is unable to work now, living in a rented house with two young girls. This family is struggling to meet the treatment expenses and need our assistance. .. See more »

RAISED : $870
Initiated on - 09-Jan-2024 -

Help Request for Nursing student - Joshy Suresh

Case#1507   |   Type: Educational  |  Category: Regular   

Help Request for Nursing student - Joshy Suresh .. See more »

RAISED : $830
Initiated on - 08-Jan-2024 -

Young dad (33yrs) affected by brain tumor and 2.5yr old daughter with severe epilepsy

Case#1506   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Emergency   

Friends, Sandeep is a young dad of a beautiful Sahya mol (2.5 yrs old). He had to deal with challenges in life early on as Sahya was diagnosed with severe epilepsy when she was 4 months old. He spent all he had to treat her for last 2+ years. This is when fate added another twist in their life. On Dec 25th, Sandeep was admitted at Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva with heavy vomiting and headache. He was diagnosed with brain tumor. He went through an emergency surgery and still at hospital. This is a deserving family and they are requesting for financial assistance. Sandeep and family live near my parent's place and my brother knows them personally. I am including a youtube link from the community on collecting funds to assist this family. .. See more »

RAISED : $2420
Initiated on - 08-Jan-2024 -

Help request from an 11yr old girl with bone cancer

Case#1498   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Emergency   

Anamika Minto a bright and resilient 7th grader, who is currently battling bone cancer, comes from a very poor financial background and is in desperate need of support to fund her chemotherapy treatment and upcoming surgery in January 2024. Her parents are struggling to make ends meet. They don’t have a permanent home and live in a hut like house in ‘purampoku’ (wasteland). Despite her challenging circumstances , Anamika is determined to fight this life threatening illness. Pls help this young girl in her time of need. Thank you Remy Chirayil .. See more »

RAISED : $3619.75
Initiated on - 21-Dec-2023 -

Help request from 22 year old Aneesh - Accident Victim

Case#1497   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

We have a help request from a mother for her 22 year old son Aneesh Santosh, who met with an accident recently. He was a pedestrian and was hit by a pick up truck. Both his legs are fractured and he is bedridden now. He is going through multiple surgeries. His father had 2 heart attacks and is not able to work now. Aneesh has 4 sisters and 3 are married. Family was already going through a lot of financial struggles from the debts for his father’s treatment , weddings of his 3 sisters’ etc. Mom is doing many part time jobs while taking care of Aneesh and his family’s needs. They don’t have a proper house and the current house where they live gets flooded during rains. They live in relatives’ houses now since Aneesh needs to be in a clean environment. Aneesh’s father is also admitted into the hospital now. He is a severe diabetic and developed an infection in his foot due to an accident and requires partial amputation and is undergoing further treatments. They are in desperate need of money for their treatments and survival. Please consider helping this family in their need. Thank you Remy Chirayil .. See more »

RAISED : $1865
Initiated on - 18-Dec-2023 -

Help Request from Ms.Jalaja to Educate Daughters

Case#1492   |   Type: Educational  |  Category: Regular   

This educational help request is from Ms.Jalaja Kumari for her daughter Anajana Sumesh, who is doing her BSc Cardiac Care Technology Course at Shantha College of Allied Health Science, Peresandra, Chikkaballapur, Karnataka. Jalaja and her daughters have lived alone since her husband left them 12 years ago. She earns some money by working as a housemaid helper at other houses. Jalaja has also been undergoing treatment for some tumors in her uterus. They don't have any other income. Anjana, the second daughter, had 9A+ and 1A in SSLC and 72% in +2, and she dreamed of pursuing nursing study despite her family's financial problems. Her first-year expense in the Nursing college is INR 340000. Ms.Jalaja paid part of the fees after getting some credit money from some source. Jalaja is trying to get some student loans for Anjana. Her elder daughter, Archana, is already studying nursing courses at Banglore and has taken a student loan for her elder daughter. Jalaja requests us to give some financial help towards Anjana's studies. .. See more »

RAISED : $780
Initiated on - 05-Dec-2023 -

Help request from a bedridden wife & heart patent husband

Case#1489   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

We have a help request from a couple for their treatment and suvival - KJ Joseph (Biju), 52 years, had 2 heart attacks. His right hand is paralyzed and also lost one of his fingers due to an accident at his work place . He is able to go for only small jobs. His wife Shynamma, 52 years is suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis and is bed ridden for 4 1/2 years. She is also suffering from heavy bleeding due to Fibroids in her uterus. They can’t afford any surgeries now. They have 4 children. 1st daughter is married. 2nd daughter is studying for nursing, 3rd daughter is studying for plus one. Youngest son is in 9th grade. They have lot of debt from many years of treatment for both of them, 1st daughter’s wedding and children’s education etc. please help this family in their need. Thank you, Remy Chirayil .. See more »

RAISED : $1900
Initiated on - 28-Nov-2023 -

Jovan - Engineering student

Case#1482   |   Type: Educational  |  Category: Regular   

Jovan Mathew is from secured 92% marks for +2 and got admission at St. Joseph’s Engineering college in Palai. His father Mathew Joseph had a small store, but he had to sell it since it was not running profitably. As a result his family is not able to afford Jovan’s education. Jovan’s older brother is in seminary and his one younger brother in +2 and the youngest is in 3rd grade. Kindly support this family so that Jovan can complete his education. .. See more »

RAISED : $1555
Initiated on - 14-Nov-2023 -

12-year-old Diya's request for financial support

Case#1472   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

This request is for 12-year-old Diya, who is facing a critical health challenge. Diya is the daughter of Archana from Ramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram district. For the past seven years, she has been courageously battling Type-1 diabetes. Her situation is particularly challenging due to the continuous need for medical attention and the financial strain it has placed on her family. Diya's daily routine is a testament to her resilience. She must monitor her blood sugar levels meticulously, often requiring daily observation for six to seven days a week. Moreover, her condition has necessitated the continuous use of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system due to persistently high Hypoglycemia. In addition to this, she requires multiple insulin injections throughout the day, including Humalog and Basalog insulins, to maintain her blood sugar within safe levels. The burden of Diya's healthcare extends beyond her condition. Her mother, Archana, is also unwell and has been undergoing medical treatment for an extended period. Her father, Biju is a daily wage worker, and the family's financial resources have been stretched to the limit due to the high cost of Diya's ongoing treatment and her mother's medical expenses. The situation is dire, and they are humbly reaching out to HelpSaveLife for the much-needed financial support. I have attached all relevant medical documents and income statements. .. See more »

RAISED : $1055
Initiated on - 11-Oct-2023 -

Request from Shahid for Type1 Diabetes treatment

Case#1470   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

Ahmed Shahid (13-year-old) is facing a critical health condition, and his single mother, Sakeena, is struggling to cover the medical expenses associated with his treatment. Shahid has recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, a life-altering condition that requires continuous monitoring, medication, and specialized care. The financial burden of his treatment, including insulin, regular check-ups, and medical supplies, has placed an immense strain on their limited resources. Sakeena, as a single mother, is doing everything within her means to provide the best care for her son. However, the costs associated with managing Shahid's diabetes have become overwhelming, and they are now at a point where they require external support to ensure his well-being and recovery. Kindly consider extending your generous assistance to Shahid and Sakeena during this challenging time. Our organization's support would greatly alleviate their financial stress and allow them to focus on Shahid's health and future. .. See more »

RAISED : $995
Initiated on - 06-Oct-2023 -

Help Request from Cancer Patient

Case#1466   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

Dear Friends, This help request is from Shiny from Pukayoor, Malappuram, Kerala who has been suffering from breast cancer for last couple of years. She underwent surgery, chemo therapy and radiaon treatments and is expected to continue medication and continued treatments for several years. Her family consits of her husband and two young children. They only have 5 cents of land and a small house. Her husbad is a daily wage laborer. His wages are the only income for the family. Theyt are unable to afford all the expenses for Shiny's treatments. In this situation they are seeking our help. Please consider extending a helping hand to this family. Thank you Josemon .. See more »

RAISED : $1060
Initiated on - 02-Oct-2023 -

Help Request for Nursing Student-Sreelakshmi K.A.

Case#1443   |   Type: Educational  |  Category: Regular   

Help Request for Nursing Student-Sreelakshmi K.A. Help request for nursing student - Sreelakshmi Anoop- This is a help request from Anoop K A for his daugter Sreelakshmi for her 1st year nursing studies. Lets help and support Sreelakshmi tocomplete her nursing course. .. See more »

RAISED : $690
Initiated on - 04-Aug-2023 -

Help Request for 3 youth siblings with Type-I Diabetes

Case#1432   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Emergency   

Ansil (19 yrs), Shabeeb(21 yrs and Shibil (23 yrs) are the three sons of Abdul Basheer, and they are earnestly seeking financial assistance for their ongoing and costly treatment for their chronic condition, Type 1 diabetes. These siblings are with the same chronic condition and require a continuous supply of insulin to stabilize their blood sugar levels. There father Abdul Basheer earns his living as a daily wage laborer, while their mother is an unemployed housewife. Unfortunately, their parents have no other sources of income to cover the medical expenses for all three sons. As a result, they humbly seek support from compassionate individuals to help alleviate the financial burden of their life-sustaining treatments. Your generosity can make a significant difference in their lives, and any assistance you can provide will be deeply appreciated. All supporting documents have been uploaded to the HSL site for further evaluation and verification. The treatment for Type 1 diabetes typically includes the regular provision of insulin, blood glucose monitoring equipment, doctor consultations, and, potentially, additional medications or medical supplies. The cost of insulin can be a substantial portion of these expenses. Affordability is a real challenge for Basheer's family due to their limited financial resources and the absence of health insurance coverage especially when 3 of his young sons diagnosed with this chronic condition. We kindly request assistance from generous-hearted individuals to ensure that their children receive the necessary care and treatment they require. Your support can truly make a difference in their lives. Thank you Christian Paul .. See more »

RAISED : $1632.52
Initiated on - 22-Jul-2023 -

Molly Paulose - Stroke patient

Case#1423   |   Type: Medical  |  Category: Regular   

Molly Paulose facing multiple diseases and had a stroke leads to take number of medicines. She is a widow since 2001 and her only son Eldhose passed away on 2021. He has a son who is studying in 8th grade is having some disabilities. The only income generator is her son's wife. Their house is on the verge of foreclosure. They are facing issues in finding money for medicine and other basic needs and requesting our help. Hariprasad visited their house and verified the given details are correct. Helping her grandson Albin's education through our Sponsor A Student program. .. See more »

RAISED : $2030
Initiated on - 13-Jun-2023 -
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