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Sponsor A Student

#1537 - Joshmy for nursing studies

Initiated: 2024-Mar-03 | Jemlin Lucas

To support Joshmy Dominic for nursing studies. Her parents are daily wage workers and cannot afford the 4 year course.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $1000 | Sponsor: Jemlin | Year: 2024-Mar

#1533 - Request for Education help

Initiated: 2024-Feb-19 | Suresh Antony

She wants to study for an MBA. Smith has completed her B Com. But in her current circumstance she can not afford her MBA which cost around Rs 1 Lakh. Her dad had a heart operation, now he can not work. Her mother is disabled because of polio. Smitha has a part time job that helps with all house expenses. Requesting help for money MBA studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $750.00
Last Paid: $750 | Sponsor: SA | Year: 2024-Apr

#1528 - Kambam Anand Kumar (Br.Mariand) - Sponsor A Student

Initiated: 2024-Feb-12 | Remy Chirayil

We have a help request from a seminarian for his masters studies. He is from a very poor family. His parents are sick and old and not able to support him.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $1000 | Sponsor: Julie George & AAJ C Joseph | Year: 2024-Mar
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 3 , Total funds collected : $2,750

#1485 - Help request for nursing student - Ahbirami

Initiated: 2023-Nov-17 | Suresh Antony

Abhirami is a first year nursing student at JSS college. She passed 10th with A+ and 12 with 75% marks. Her father is blind by birth. He sells lottery tickets for livelihood. They are finding it hard to afford nursing education Abhirami

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $1200 | Sponsor: SA | Year: 2023-Dec

#1483 - Albin Eldhose - High School Student

Initiated: 2023-Nov-15 | Thomas Xavier

Albin is studying in 8th grade and not good in studies due to the shock he had from his father's death. He has only his mother to support. She is doing daily wage work. The family includes his grand mother also and she is sick and requires expensive treatment. They are in very bad situation and requesting for the support of his education. Hariprasad visited Albin's house and found the information provided is correct and deserves help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $500.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel | Year: 2023-Dec

#1478 - Education Expense for Shibin

Initiated: 2023-Nov-04 | Suresh Antony

Priya lost her husband last year. She has two school going kids. She is not able to afford schooling & Living expenses. Asking for education help for one of her kid Shinto.

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TOTAL RAISED : $500.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: SA | Year: 2023-Nov

#1449 - Help needed for a nursing student

Initiated: 2023-Aug-16 | Suresh Antony

Taniya passed 12th with 91% and wants to pursue nursing education. Her family consists father(Mathai) and mother and an older brother who is studying and grandmother. Mathai works in a cycle shop. His wages are barely enough to support the family. He is finding it hard to support Taniya for nursing education. Seeking help from HSL for Taniya’s nursing education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $1200 | Sponsor: SA | Year: 2023-Sep

#1447 - Support Chrispus Ngugi (Grade 2) from Kenya.

Initiated: 2023-Aug-16 | Tom Zacharias

This request is for school fees for two kids at All Saints Catholic Primary School, Kabazi, Nakuru, Kenya - Dorcas Wairimu (Grade 3), Chrispus Ngugi (Grade 2). These children were admitted to this school when their mother was working in some Gulf country and she was able to remit the school fee and to provide the study materials. Later, she had undergone some problems there and came back after losing everything and now she is not in a proper mental state to look after these children. So the grandmother is taking care of them, who is old aged and could not go for any job. They live with the help of some kind-hearted people and something the mother may bring once in a while when she comes home. These children are in dire need of our help. They hardly get any proper meals at home. The children are surviving on the daily light breakfast and lunch provided by the school. The grandmother is requesting help to pay their school fees so that the children can get their daily meals and get their education at the same time. This case is brought by my sister who had volunteered to teach these children a few months and had personally visited their house to understand their situation. So any help to support these children would be a great help to alleviate their hunger and get their early education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $250.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Tom Z. | Year: 2023-Aug

#1441 - Support Dorcas Wairimu (Grade 3), Kenya

Initiated: 2023-Aug-01 | Tom Zacharias

This request is for school fees for the kid at All Saints Catholic Primary School, Kabazi, Nakuru, Kenya - Dorcas Wairimu (Grade 3). This kid was admitted to this school when their mother was working in some Gulf country and she was able to remit the school fee and to provide the study materials. Later, she had undergone some problems there and came back after losing everything and now she is not in a proper mental state to look after these children. So the grandmother is taking care of them, who is old aged and could not go for any job. They live with the help of some kind-hearted people and something the mother may bring once in a while when she comes home. These children are in dire need of our help. They hardly get any proper meals at home. The children are surviving on the daily light breakfast and lunch provided by the school. The grandmother is requesting help to pay their school fees so that the children can get their daily meals and get their education at the same time. This case is brought by my sister who had volunteered to teach these children a few months and had personally visited their house to understand their situation. So any help to support these children would be a great help to alleviate their hunger and get their early education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $250.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Tom Z. | Year: 2023-Aug

#1422 - Sponsor A Student - Jomes Jose

Initiated: 2023-Jun-04 | Manju Joseph

Help request from Tinu Thomas for Sponsoring her son Jomes Jose. Her husband Josemon had been hospitalized for month after a major accident from his work place. his body was completely paralyzed and was on tube feeding. He passed away this May 23 rd leaving behind his wife and 2 kids. Tinu is currently working in her son's school as a kindergarten support teacher with a very low income. Her son jomes jose is handicapped and has difficulty in walking. He needs treatment and currently they do not have fund to treat Jomes. She has one more kid who is studying in LKG. This sponsorship request is for Jomes.

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TOTAL RAISED : $300.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Lego & Manju Joseph | Year: 2023-Jun

#1410 - Sponsor a Student- Sudarsan Sadasivan

Initiated: 2023-May-08 | Manju Joseph

This is a help request for Sandhya Sadasivan for her son Sudarsan Sadasivan studying in the 8th grade. Sandhya's husband is bedridden due to an accident that occurred 20 years ago. She is unable to go to work as her husband requires hourly care. The medications for his care are 7,000 rupees each month. Sudarsan is excellent at his studies and sports. Looking for a sponsor to help support Sudarsan's education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $391.00
Last Paid: $391 | Sponsor: Deepa Jacob | Year: 2023-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 8 , Total funds collected : $4,591

#1407 - Sponsor A Student- Mebin Tomy

Initiated: 2023-May-07 | Manju Joseph

Sponsor A Student- Mebin Tomy

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TOTAL RAISED : $500.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Johney & Ginny Pulikkan | Year: 2024-May
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#1383 - GNM Nursing Student Education

Initiated: 2023-Mar-15 | Betsy Thottam

Mrs. Jolly is seeking financial help for her daughter Agna Daison’s general nursing studies. Jolly’s husband is a sickly person and unable to work. Jolly is the only breadwinner of the house. She has to support her sister too who is a cancer patient. Though Agna got admission for B.Sc .Nursing, family couldn’t send her since they couldn’t afford it. Pls help Agna and her family in their need. Thank you.

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TOTAL RAISED : $400.00
Last Paid: $400 | Sponsor: Julie George & AAJ C Joseph | Year: 2023-Mar

#1360 - SPONSOR A STUDENT - MariaMol Tomy - Final Year Nu

Initiated: 2023-Feb-03 | Rajesh Philip

The request is from Tomy Antony. Both Tomy and his wife are daily wage workers. They have 2 kids and both of them are doing their studies. They are struggling to meet kids educational expenses. He is requesting support for the final year tuition fees for daughter Mariamol Tomy.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,050.00
Last Paid: $1050 | Sponsor: Rajesh Philip | Year: 2023-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $1,450

#1359 - Help Request for Nursing Education

Initiated: 2023-Feb-01 | Remy Chirayil

Blessimol Shaji, a 1st year nursing student is requesting help for her education. Her father is a lottery seller. He is a heart patient and also taking meds for BP and sugar. Mother is an Asthma patient and unable to go for any work outside. Blessi has a sister who is a plus 2 student. Blessi is good in her studies. She joined nursing with bank loans and help from others. Her family is struggling to meet all the expenses (kids’ education, parents’ medicines, daily living, managing the loans etc.) with her father’s small income.

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TOTAL RAISED : $3,820.00
Last Paid: $800 | Sponsor: Julie George & AAJ C Joseph | Year: 2024-Jan

#1352 - Damin Teresa

Initiated: 2023-Jan-12 | Lalu Vazhekatt

Damin Teresa is from a poor village called Pichola in Papum Pare district in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Unemployment is extremely high there and Kids in the village hardly get a chance to go to school. Damin Teresa is from an impoverished family and her father is suffering from backbone issues and is hardly able to walk. He was told to go for surgery but can't afford the expenses. Priests from St. Francis Assisi School found her good at studies and admitted her to their school in town in 6th grade and she will be going to 7th grade next academic year. Please sponsor Damin Teresa to continue her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $700.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: Anonymous | Year: 2024-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $1,150

#1337 - Sponsor a Student - Mebia Theresa Tomy

Initiated: 2022-Nov-27 | Manju Joseph

This is a help request from Tomychan T. for his daughter Mebia Theresa Tomy. Tomychan is a daily wage worker. He is supporting his family which include his Mother, wife and 5 kids. His wife is staying at home and taking care of the younger kids and her mother in law. The family is struggling to meet their kids study and the family's' daily expenses. Requesting a sponsor to give a financial support to Mebia on her school years.

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TOTAL RAISED : $700.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: Johney & Ginny Pulikkan | Year: 2022-Dec
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $200

#1317 - Sponsor Student Case - Kambam Praveena

Initiated: 2022-Sep-26 | Remy Chirayil

Praveena is in 10th grade. Her father passed away due to covid. she is financially struggling and looking for help. Her younger brother is in 5th grade.

We have helped this family thru Covid Special Case 1226

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TOTAL RAISED : $800.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: Joseph Chirayil, Julie George & AAJ C Joseph | Year: 2023-Jul

#1316 - Sponsor Student Case-Kambam Avinash

Initiated: 2022-Oct-03 | Remy Chirayil

Avinash is studying in 5th grade. His father passed away due to health reason. His family is going through financial crisis. Avinash is looking for help.

We have helped this family thru Covid Special Case 1226

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TOTAL RAISED : $650.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: Lincy Jeron | Year: 2023-Jul

#1313 - SPONSOR STUDENT - METLIN JAYSON- BSc nursing student.

Initiated: 2022-Sep-14 | Tom Zacharias

Metlin T Jayson is a nursing student (First year). Her mother diagnosed with 4th stage brain tumor, she is currently in treatment. Now her parents are not working because of her mothers health condition. This family is going through financial crisis and looking for help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,450.00
Last Paid: $800 | Sponsor: Anonymous Contributor | Year: 2023-Apr
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 3 , Total funds collected : $1,650

#1306 - Sponsor a Student - Ambady Rakesh

Initiated: 2022-Aug-14 | Manju Joseph

Sponsor a Student - Ambady Rakesh. This is a help request case from Rakesh C.R. . Mr. Rakesh is a driver /daily wage worker. He is a driver on call and hence do not have work on daily basis. hi wife is also a daily wage worker. They have 2 school going kids. This help request is from his younger son Ambady studying in nursery school. The family of 4 is struggling to meet the daily expenses and kids education expenses. Lets join and help this family in need.

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TOTAL RAISED : $800.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Lego & Manju Joseph | Year: 2024-May
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#1288 - Sponsor A Student - Aditya Jose MLT student

Initiated: 2022-Jul-06 | Remy Chirayil

Aditya Jose is a 3rd year Medical Lab Technology student. She is unable to continue her studies due to the difficult situations at her house. Her father died from kidney disease few years back and mother is bedridden now due to kidney disease and other chronic conditions. She has debts from her previous years fees too. Please help Aditya to complete her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $750.00
Last Paid: $750 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel | Year: 2022-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $750

#1286 - Sponsor Student_Ann Rose Shaji

Initiated: 2022-Jul-02 | Remy Chirayil

Ann is a nursing student in Bharathi College & School of Nursing, Bangalore. Due to health problems, her father is not able to work. She is from a very poor family and looking for help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,650.00
Last Paid: $750 | Sponsor: Alex Crispin & Nisha, Joe & Remy Chirayil, John & Rekha | Year: 2023-Oct

#1265 - Asher T Suraj

Initiated: 2022-Apr-21 | Tony Mangan

Asher T Suraj, s/o Nisha Joseph, is seeking help for his educational purposes as he lost his father due to heart attack couple of months before. His mother Nisha Joseph is trying to run the family with 3 kids and she is not having any job .

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TOTAL RAISED : $500.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: JOHNU CELESTINE | Year: 2023-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $1,000

#1264 - Anugraha Sooraj

Initiated: 2022-Apr-21 | Tony Mangan

Anugraha Sooraj , 11 year old, D/o Nisha Joseph, is seeking help for further studying . She lost her father couple of months back due to heart attack and he was the only source of income for that family. She is very good in her studies and hopefully we can help her mother to meet both ends together.

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TOTAL RAISED : $800.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Cyril Cherian | Year: 2024-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#1242 - sponsor Student_ Bency Benny

Initiated: 2022-Mar-06 | Remy Chirayil

Bency is BSc nursing student in Rajaboina Venkat aiah memorial colleage and school of nursing. She is from very poor family, looking for help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $600 | Sponsor: Joe & Remy Chirayil, Jose & Nisha Alex, Selvin & Mariella Payyappilly | Year: 2023-Aug

#1241 - Sponsor A Student_Josiya Jose

Initiated: 2022-Mar-06 | Cyriac Antony

Josiya is a 1st year nursing student in St.Joseph's colleage of nursing, Anchal. She is looking for help for her tuition fees.

First Payment directly to St. Joseph's College of Nursing on 24Mar22 $100, Rs.7,523.31 using Wise Transfer
Second Payment directly to St. Joseph's College of Nursing on 28Mar22 $1000, Rs.75,519.33 using Wise Transfer
Total Paid: Rs83,042.64

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TOTAL RAISED : $3,500.00
Last Paid: $2400 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel | Year: 2023-Dec

#1183 - Sponsor Student_Nimmy Joji

Initiated: 2021-Nov-07 | Remy Chirayil

Nimmy is a nursing student. Both parents are not able to work due to severe health issues. Mother is facing bipolar disorder and taking medication for it. Nimmy has one brother, he is also nursing student. This family is going through financial crisis and looking for help.

Lincy transfrd Rs. 20K from her India acct on 12/5/21. BoA transfer made on 12/15/21, $900, Rs. 66,883.50 (Act:67233602470, IFSCSBIN0070521 )

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,900.50
Last Paid: $1000.5 | Sponsor: Jobin & Lisha Kallacheril, Joe & Remy Chirayil, Minimol Kandathil & Jijo Thayil | Year: 2023-Jan

#1181 - Sponsor Student_Ashlymol Jose

Initiated: 2021-Nov-07 | Remy Chirayil

Ashlymol is a plus one student in St:Joseph Higher secondary school, Vilakkumadom. Her father is a painter and due to spinal cord dislocation, he is not able to go for work now. Her mother goes to other houses for household work to support the family. She has two siblings who are students. Ashly is looking for financial help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $350.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: | Year: 2023-Feb

#1164 - Sponsor Student_Naveen Jose

Initiated: 2021-Oct-04 | Remy Chirayil

Naveen is from a poor family. He is a B.Com. with computer application student in St. Thomas College, Pala. His father is a painter and due to spinal cord dislocation, he is not able to go for work now. His mother goes to other houses for household work to support the family. He has two siblings who are students. Naveen is an excellent student and requesting for financial help to continue his studies.

Couldn't cash the check.Acct problem.EFT to his mom's acct.
Ist BoA transfer on 16Dec21 $250, Rs 18537.75
2nd BoA transfer on 24Mar22 $150 Rs11,104.20
Total: Rs.29,641.95

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TOTAL RAISED : $720.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Tom Z. | Year: 2023-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 5 , Total funds collected : $4,521

#1157 - Sponsor a Student -Rosary Thomson

Initiated: 2021-Sep-27 | Manju Joseph

This is a help request from Sheena Thomson for her daughter Rosary Thomson. Sheena lost her husband 11 years back. her husband was a daily wage worked and the only earning member in the family. She has 2 daughters. The elder one completed +2 and now doing higher studies with the help of their relatives. The younger one is in now in +1 and she has full A+ in her 10 th board exam. The family is struggling hard the meet the daily and the kids educational expenses

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TOTAL RAISED : $593.00
Last Paid: $293 | Sponsor: | Year: 2022-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $293

#1151 - Rumi Tirkey

Initiated: 2021-Sep-05 | Remy Chirayil

Rumi Tirkey is a nursing student in St Augustine School of Nursing, Assam. She is from Urao tribal community in Assam and she is the first one from her tribe going for higher studies. Due to her poor financial background, she is not able to pay her tuition fees. Rumi is looking for financial help to complete her nursing education.

First Payment by Wise eTransfer on 10/17/21. $300, Rs.22,310.88, Confirmation#307975390 Second Payment by Wise eTransfer on 12/15/21. $300, Rs.22,708.22, Confirmation#335398763

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $600 | Sponsor: John & Rekha | Year: 2023-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $600

#1132 - Helping Jasna- Bpharm student with tuition.

Initiated: 2021-Jul-19 | Manoj Thomas

Jasma studies very well and family is. going through a hard time to make tuition payment. Father is a bus conductor but covid has effected that income too. Attaching Jasna’s mark sheet and all necessary documents.

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TOTAL RAISED : $600.00
Last Paid: $600 | Sponsor: Manoj & Divya | Year: 2021-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $600

#1131 - Sponsor Student_Esther Rose Bennyamin

Initiated: 2021-Jul-18 | Lincy Jeron

Ester Rose is sixth-grade student in St. Rits’s school , Nemmara. Her father passed away 4 years back. Mother is a house wife. Her family is struggling to meet financial needs for his study.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Leslie Maliekal & Smita Annie Maliekal | Year: 2024-Jun

#1130 - Sponsor Student_Ephraim Bennyamin

Initiated: 2021-Jul-18 | Lincy Jeron

Ephraim is a fourth-grade student in St. Rits’s school , Nemmara. His father passed away 4 years back. Mother is a house wife. His family is struggling to meet financial needs for his study.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Leslie Maliekal & Smita Annie Maliekal | Year: 2024-Jun

#1119 - Nidhiya Peter - Sponsor A Student Case

Initiated: 2021-Jul-02 | Sona Thomas

Nidhiya studying in 12th standard and his father was a lorry driver passed away and her mother need to look after her and her brother and old grand mother, seeking help for the education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,950.00
Last Paid: $700 | Sponsor: Sona Thomas | Year: 2024-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 3 , Total funds collected : $1,200

#1118 - Dino Peter - Sponsor A Student Case

Initiated: 2021-Jul-02 | Sona Thomas

Dino studying in 9th standard and his father was a lorry driver passed away and his mother need to look after him and his sister and old grand mother, seeking help for the education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,500.00
Last Paid: $400 | Sponsor: Sona Thomas | Year: 2023-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $400

#1094 - Sponsor Student_Salwin John

Initiated: 2021-Jun-06 | Lincy Jeron

Salwin is studying in LKG in Guardian Angels English Medium School. His father had head injury in an accident ,9 years back. He is not able to go for work and his mother is a house wife. He is looking for financial help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Leslie Maliekal & Smita Annie Maliekal | Year: 2024-Jun

#1093 - Sponsor Student_Jeniya Rose

Initiated: 2021-Jun-06 | Lincy Jeron

Jeniya is studying in third grade in Guardian Angels English Medium School. Her father had head injury in an accident ,9 years back. He is not able to go for work and her mother is a house wife. She is looking for financial help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,000.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Leslie Maliekal & Smita Annie Maliekal | Year: 2024-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $500

#1082 - Sponsor A Student Aneesa Ansary M.A.

Initiated: 2021-May-28 | Manju Joseph

This is a help request from Muhammed Ansary, an electrician. He has two daughters Aneesa (10th grade) and Asiya (5th grade). He is struggling to manage household expenses and children's tuition.

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TOTAL RAISED : $950.00
Last Paid: $400 | Sponsor: Johnson & Rini | Year: 2023-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $400

#1064 - Sponsor Student - Abinav Anto

Initiated: 2021-Apr-18 | Lincy Jeron

Abinav is studying in 7 th grade in De Paul School Choondal. His father is a heart patient and not able to go for work and his mom is a housewife. Abinav is looking for financial help for his continued studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $600.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Dinny & Shanty Mathew | Year: 2022-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#1063 - Sponsor Student - Anas Paul Anto

Initiated: 2021-Apr-18 | Lincy Jeron

Anas Paul is studying in 9 th grade in De Paul School Choondal. His father is a heart patient and not able to go for work and his mom is a housewife. Anas is looking for financial help for his continued studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $850.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Xavier Antony & Mini Xavier | Year: 2024-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#1022 - Sponsor student- Reshma Shaji

Initiated: 2020-Dec-29 | Lincy Jeron

Reshma Shaji is a 10th grade student in St. Joseph Kannimala. Her father abandoned her in younger age and her mother passed last year due to heart attack. Currently she is in St. Joseph's Balika Bhavan, Sr. Shobhy is her care taker.

Reshma is looking for financial help for her continued studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $400.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: , Francis Nangiyalil , Manoj & Divya | Year: 2021-Jan
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#1017 - Sponsor A Student-Nitha Fathima

Initiated: 2020-Dec-20 | Manju Joseph

Sponsor -A student -Nitha Fathima

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,254.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Alex Crispin & Nisha | Year: 2024-May

#0998 - Sponsor a student request - Mishon C Biju

Initiated: 2020-Nov-02 | Manju Joseph

Help request for Mishon C Biju, 4th-grade student -(Sponsor a student )

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,500.00
Last Paid: $400 | Sponsor: Biju & Rincy, Johnson & Rini | Year: 2024-Jul

#0989 - Sponsor a student request - Shanimol Shaji

Initiated: 2020-Oct-20 | Manju Joseph

Sponsor a student request - Shani Mol Shaji

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,900.00
Last Paid: $450 | Sponsor: Cicily & Thomas Nirappel | Year: 2024-May

#0968 - Krupa Mariya Joseph

Initiated: 2020-Sep-03 | Manju Joseph

Help Request for Krupa Mariya Joseph

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,450.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Tony n Smitha | Year: 2024-May
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 4 , Total funds collected : $1,400

#0963 - Help request for Merin Shaiju for her studies

Initiated: 2020-Aug-16 | Benny Davis

Merin is a 8th grade sutdent at Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School in Ayavana. Her father is a daily wage worker and her mother housewife. She is very good in her studies and family need help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,050.00
Last Paid: $325 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2023-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $325

#0962 - Help request for Soumya T.C for her studies

Initiated: 2020-Aug-16 | Benny Davis

Saumya is a 8th grade sutdent at Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School in Ayavana. Her father is a daily wage worker and her mother housewife. She have 3 other sibilings. She is very good in her studies and family need help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,075.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2022-Nov

#0961 - Help request for Sandra T.C for her studies

Initiated: 2020-Aug-16 | Benny Davis

Sandra is a 8th grade sutdent at Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School in Ayavana. Her father is a daily wage worker and her mother housewife. She have 3 other sibilings. She is very good in her studies and family need help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,075.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2022-Nov
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $700

#0945 - Anakha Shaji

Initiated: 2020-Jul-04 | Lincy Jeron

Anakha Shaji is a plus one student of St:Thomas HSS Erumely. Her father left her family and she is looking for financial help. Her mother is sick .

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TOTAL RAISED : $300.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Biju & Rincy | Year: 2020-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0944 - Snehamol Shaji

Initiated: 2020-Jul-04 | Lincy Jeron

Snehamol Shaji is a B.Sc Agricultural technology student in St. Dominic's College , Kanjirappally. Her father abandoned her in the young age and she is looking for financial help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $600.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel | Year: 2021-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0940 - Sponsor a Student -Mithra Rajesh

Initiated: 2020-Jun-25 | Manju Joseph

Help request to sponsor Mithra Rajesh.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,350.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Jaison Alex, Minimol Kandathil & Jijo Thayil | Year: 2024-May
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0927 - Niran Reji - Sponsor a student

Initiated: 2020-Apr-05 | Lalu Vazhekatt

This sporsor-a-student request is for Niran Reji, LKG student for 2020-21 school year from Pathar Nilambur. Niran’s is from a poor family, they lost their home during a land slide last year and currently they are living in temporary home. Their house is being built by donation from the diocese. Please support the education of this little boy Niran.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Lego & Manju Joseph | Year: 2023-Jun

#0868 - Help request for Alna Mariya Jose for her Education

Initiated: 2019-Aug-17 | Benny Davis

This help request is for Alna Mariya Sijo for her education. Her father Sijo is a auto driver and he have 3 daughters. Sijo is from a poor family and need help with his daughters education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,350.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2023-Jul

#0867 - Ann Mariya Sijo

Initiated: 2019-Aug-17 | Benny Davis

This help request is for Ann Mariya Sijo for her education. Her father Sijo is a auto driver and he have 3 daughters. Sijo is from a poor family and need help with his daughters education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,100.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Santhosh & Sunitha | Year: 2023-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 3 , Total funds collected : $900

#0857 - Case#0857 Sponsor A Student - Ashik Binu

Initiated: 2019-Jul-17 | Thomas Xavier

Albin Binu and Ashik Binu are studying in Govt HSS Maroor in 8th and 5th standard. Albin Binu has an annual expense of Rs 23,000 and Ashik Binu has expense of Rs 16,000 for their education.The parents has not permanent income and the financial conditions of them are not good. More over the father has been suffering from some type of diabetes. The family is asking help for their educational expenses

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,500.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Lalu & Bindu | Year: 2024-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0856 - Case#0856 Sponsor kid case Albin Binu

Initiated: 2019-Jul-17 | Thomas Xavier

Albin Binu and Ashik Binu are studying in Govt HSS Maroor in 8th and 5th standard. Albin Binu has an annual expense of Rs 23,000 and Ashik Binu has expense of Rs 16,000 for their education.The parents has not permanent income and the financial conditions of them are not good. More over the father has been suffering from some type of diabetes. The family is asking help for their educational expenses

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,550.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Lalu & Bindu | Year: 2023-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0848 - Liya Tresa Lal

Initiated: 2019-Jul-05 | Tom Zacharias

Liya Tresa Lal is a LKG student in Bethany Central school Nangiarkulangara, Alapuzha. She belongs to a very poor family and requesting help to continue her education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $550.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Tom Z. | Year: 2020-Dec
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0832 - Surya Raveendran

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Surya completed her plus two this year. She is preparing for the labtechnician course. Her parents died in childhood days.She lives in St. Joseph Balika Bavan, kannimala. Surya is looking for financial aid.

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TOTAL RAISED : $500.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: Godwin Gaspar | Year: 2019-May
Yearly Totals for 2019 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $500

#0831 - Megha Pramod

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Megha is a 10th grade student. Her father passed away.Her mother is sick. She has a younger sister too. Megha is looking for financial help.

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TOTAL RAISED : $738.00
Last Paid: $244 | Sponsor: , Jimmy Joy & Jimili Jacob | Year: 2021-May
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $244

#0830 - Merin P.G

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Merin is a 8 th grade student. Her parents abandoned her in younger days. She is physically handicapped, currently lives in the St.Joseph Balika Bavan. Merin needs help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $400.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: Leslie Maliekal & Smita Annie Maliekal | Year: 2020-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $200

#0829 - Sandramol Santhosh

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Sandramol Santhosh is a 10th grade student in St.Joseph Kanimala. She is an orphan girl , living with her grandma who is is aged and sick. She is looking for financial help for her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $695.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Tony n Smitha | Year: 2021-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0828 - Gayathri A

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Gayathri is SSLC student of St.Joseph HS Kannimala. Now she is preparing for higher studies. Her father passed away in the childhood days. mother is sick and can't go for work.She is looking help for her further education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $450.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: Godwin Gaspar, Lincy Jeron | Year: 2020-Jun

#0827 - Pratheeksha P P

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Pratheesha is an orphan, studying in 10 th grade. Currently she is under the care of carmelite sisters. She is looking for help to continue her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $244.00
Last Paid: $244 | Sponsor: Minimol Kandathil & Jijo Thayil | Year: 2020-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $444

#0826 - Aryamol Raveendran

Initiated: 2019-May-06 | Lincy Jeron

Arya is an orphan, studying in 8th grade. Currently she is under the care of carmelite sisters in an orphanage. Arya needs help to continue her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $200.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: Minimol Kandathil & Jijo Thayil | Year: 2019-Jun

#0704 - Case#0704

Initiated: 2018-Jun-17 | Jomon George Chakkalakkal

This request is for the studies of Ancy Rose for the +2 course. She is from a poor family and her dad undergone a stroke and is in treatment. Any got A+ in all her subjects for 10th grade exam.

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TOTAL RAISED : $793.00
Last Paid: $375 | Sponsor: IshaAmiNamiShreya | Year: 2019-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2019 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $575

#0702 - Sneha Joshy

Initiated: 2018-Jun-01 | Lalu Vazhekatt

Sneha Joshy is a 8th grade student for the academic year 2018-19 at Little Flower Convent Higher Secondary school, Mammiyoor, Thrissur. Her father is a daily wage worker, however cannot got to work due to health reasons. Her mother is doing daily wage work at a educational institution which is not sufficient for her husband's treatment and for paying rent for their house and to meet other expenses. So please support Sneha Joshy by sponsoring her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $850.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Tom Z. | Year: 2020-Dec
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0651 - Sponsor A Student - Anna Josena John

Initiated: 2017-Sep-07 | Remy Chirayil

This help request is for Anna Josna John who is a10th grade student. She belongs to a very poor family and requesting help to continue her education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $700.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Joe & Remy Chirayil | Year: 2021-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0618 - Sponsor a Student - Sachin Vijayakumar

Initiated: 2017-May-31 | Manju Joseph

Sachin Vijayakumar, son of Mr. C.T Vijayan. Sachin has completed his BCA (Bachelors in Computer Application) at MES college Erumely. He is joining for MCA (Masters in Computer Application) at Amaljyothi college of Engg. KPLY.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,850.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Jeron Cheruvalkaran, Lincy Jeron | Year: 2019-Feb
Yearly Totals for 2019 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0595 - Sponsor A Student - Preethy P.N. - Nursing 1st year student

Initiated: 2016-Dec-03 | Remy Chirayil

This is to help with the nursing education of Preethy P.N, She lost her father in an accident few years back. She belongs to very poor family and her mother is struggling to bring up Preethy and her 3 sisters. We have helped her with her school education for 2 years.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,000.00
Last Paid: $1500 | Sponsor: Joe & Remy Chirayil, Julie George & AAJ C Joseph | Year: 2023-Jan
Yearly Totals for 2023 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $1,500

#0594 - Sponsor A Student - Pritty P.N.

Initiated: 2016-Dec-02 | Remy Chirayil

This is to help with the educational expenses of Pritty P.N, an eighth grade student at Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Cherpunkal P.O., Kottayam. She lost her father in an accident last year . She belongs to very poor family and her mother is struggling to bring up Pritty and her 3 sisters.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,000.00
Last Paid: $1500 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel, Joe & Remy Chirayil | Year: 2022-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $1,500

#0564 - Aslam T Samjad

Initiated: 2016-Aug-28 | Mishu Joseph

This is a request for sponsoring a poor student. This is a request from Aslam T Samjad for his education. Aslam is a 10th grade student in St. Thomas H.S.S Erumely.His father divorced his mother and due to this shock she committed suicide. After that Aslam and his sister are taken care by their grandparents. His grand parents are old and sick and don't have any source of income. They belong to below poverty line(BPL).Aslam is good in his studies and secured A grade in all his exams.His character is good. He need the mercy of kindhearted persons to continue his education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Johnson & Rini | Year: 2016-Oct
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $320

#0555 - Sponsor a Student - Pranav P.S.

Initiated: 2016-Jul-19 | Manju Joseph

Pranav P.S is a 1st Grade student at St. Pius Convent School Chirakkadavu, Ponkunnam, Kottayam dist.Pranav P. S. is a 1st grade student at St. Joseph’s UPS Malayinchippara , Pathampuzha, Poonjar. Kottayam dist. His father (Shaji P.) is a daily wage worker and supporting the family of 4. The family is finding difficult to meet the daily expenses. Pranav is doing well in his studies and has got very good grades in all his exams.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,300.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Lego & Manju Joseph | Year: 2021-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2021 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0520 - Sponsor a Student Request_ Haridas V.S.

Initiated: 2016-Jan-30 | Manju Joseph

Haridas V. S. is a 7th grade student at St. Joseph’s UPS Malayinchippara , Pathampuzha, Poonjar. Kottayam dist. His father (Sabu V.K) is a daily wage worker and supporting the family of 5. Mr. Sabu had an accident 9 years back and unable to earn a living. His mom who is staying with them had a fracture 4 yrs. back and needs assistance to walk. The family is finding it difficult to meet the expenses for the treatments, medicines and daily expenses. Haridas is doing well in his studies and has got very good grades in all his exams. Let us know if any of you have interest to sponsor Haridas. Please find attached the required documents.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,200.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: John 1335, Lincy Jeron, Mary Alexander | Year: 2020-Oct
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0512 - Case#0512

Initiated: 2015-Dec-15 | Rincy Chakupurakal

This help request is for Praveen Kumar who is doing his first year higher secondary course .His father is suffering from chronic brain disorder and mother is a daily wage worker in a bakery. Praveen has got very good grade for all the subjects.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Bobby & Mini | Year: 2016-May

#0511 - Case#0511

Initiated: 2015-Dec-15 | Rincy Chakupurakal

This help request is for Akhil Pushpan who is doing his second year higher secondary course .His father is suffering from chronic brain disorder and mother is a daily wage worker in a bakery. Akhil has got A+ final grade for all the subjects.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Soni & Neena | Year: 2016-Mar

#0509 - Case#0509

Initiated: 2015-Nov-23 | Rincy Chakupurakal

Nisha Shibu is a 11th grade student at Ihithanam Higher Secondary School, Changanacherry. Kottayam Dist. Her father is a daily wage worker . He is a diabetes patient.They are finding it difficult to meet the expenses for the studies of their 2 kids along with the day to day expenses. Nisha Shibu is doing well in her studies and has got A+grades in all her exams.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Bobby & Mini | Year: 2016-Mar

#0487 - Education support for ElRoy

Initiated: 2015-Aug-07 | Cyril Cherian

ElRoy P is a first grade student of FUSCO senior Secondary School Pooparamba, Kanoor District Kerala.

His father was working in north India and died in an accident there. He and his mother Mini lives with her parents after the death of her husband. They are finding it difficult to meet the expenses for the studies of Elroy along with the day to day expenses. He is a very smart boy promoted to the first grade. The family is living with her parents and do not own a land of their own. Elroy has just begun his studies and his mom is not in a position to educate him.

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TOTAL RAISED : $200.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: John and Rekha | Year: 2016-Aug
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 4 , Total funds collected : $1,160

#0463 - Case#0463

Initiated: 2015-Jun-13 | Manju Joseph

Revathy S is a 4th grade student at V.B. U P. School, Thrikodithanam, Changanasherry. Kottayam Dist. Her parents (Mini and Saji) are daily wage workers and supporting the family. They are finding it difficult to meet the expenses for the studies of their 3 kids ( 7th grade, 5rd grade and 4th grade) along with the day to day expenses. The family is living at railway colony, Fathimapuram. and do not own a land of their own. Revathy is doing well in her studies and has got very good grades in all her exams.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,850.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: Philip & Cynthia Parayil | Year: 2022-Oct
Yearly Totals for 2022 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $500

#0462 - Educational support for Rosmy Devassy

Initiated: 2015-May-28 | Benny Davis

This help request is for educational expense of Rosmy Devassy. She is a +1 student at St. Joseph college, Angamaly. She lost her father 15 years ago. Her mother is a daily wage worker and she is finding difficulty to meet the house and expense and education expense for 2 kids. Her mother is also having health problems.

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TOTAL RAISED : $200.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2015-May

#0461 - Help request is for Anil Martin

Initiated: 2015-May-28 | Benny Davis

This help request is for Anil Martin. He is a 9th grade student at Govt. HSS Manjapra. His father passed away an year ago. His mother a daily wage worker and finding it difficult to meet the house expense and education of 2 kids.

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TOTAL RAISED : $250.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2015-May

#0428 - Support Nikhil Joseph for his Higher Secondary education

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Nikhil is from a poor family. His father is an agriculture laborer. In 10th standard, he has nine A+ and one A. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Biju & Rincy | Year: 2015-Mar

#0427 - Help request for Melbin Sabu to complete Higher Secondary education

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Melbin is from a poor family. His father is an agriculture laborer. In 10th standard, he has A+ for all subjects. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: M&D | Year: 2015-Mar

#0426 - Sponsor Jofiya Jose to complete Higher Secondary education

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Jofiy is from a poor family. Her father is an agriculture laborer. In 10th standard, she has A+ for all subjects. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Manoj & Deepa | Year: 2015-Mar
Yearly Totals for 2015 : Number of help requests : 5 , Total funds collected : $1,410

#0425 - Case#0425

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Dany is from a poor family. Her father is an auto rickshaw driver. In 10th standard, she has A+ for all subjects. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,070.00
Last Paid: $750 | Sponsor: Anonymous SJT, Cyril Cherian, Tam | Year: 2016-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $750

#0424 - Case#0424

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Athira is from a poor family. Her father is a taxi driver. In 10th standard, she has A+ for nine subjects and A for one subject. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Justin & Reema | Year: 2015-Mar

#0423 - Case#0423

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Anusmitha is from a poor family. Her father is an agriculture laborer. In 10th standard, she has A+ for all subjects. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Anonymous SJT | Year: 2015-Mar

#0422 - Case#0422

Initiated: 2014-Dec-31 | Josemon Joseph

Help request for sponsoring the student to complete Higher Secondary education. Akhil is from a poor family. His father is an agriculture laborer. In 10th standard, he has A+ for all subjects. Please review attached documents for more information.

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TOTAL RAISED : $320.00
Last Paid: $320 | Sponsor: Anonymous SJT | Year: 2015-Mar

#0384 - Case#384

Initiated: 2014-Apr-16 | Benny Davis

This request is for Pranav K Sebastian for his studies. Pranav is a plus one student at Govt. H.S.S Chowara. He is very good in his studies. He got a brother and sister. His father is a daily wage worker. His mother is a cancer patient. Family is finding

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TOTAL RAISED : $470.00
Last Paid: $270 | Sponsor: Simon | Year: 2015-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2015 : Number of help requests : 4 , Total funds collected : $1,230

#0383 - Case#383

Initiated: 2014-Apr-16 | Manju Joseph

Fida Hakkeem is a U.K.G student at Gracy Memorial School, Parathodu, Kottayam Dist. Her parents (Abdul Hakkeem and Mariyath Hakkeem) are daily wage workers and supporting the family. They are finding it difficult to meet the expenses for the studies of th

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TOTAL RAISED : $3,720.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Joshy & Smitha Paul | Year: 2024-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2024 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0349 - Case#349

Initiated: 2013-Sep-07 | Benny Davis

This help request is for Delson. He is a first year higher secondary course student at St. George Higher Secondary School, Kothamangalam. His father is a daily wage worker and his mother a housewife. He got 2 brothers. He is very good in his studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $375.00
Last Paid: $175 | Sponsor: Joe & Shiby | Year: 2014-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2014 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $175

#0347 - Case#347

Initiated: 2013-Oct-07 | Manju Joseph

Diya Anna Thomas is a 1st grade student in St. Marys LP school, Vazhoor, Kottayam Dist. Her Father Thomas (Shijo) is an auto driver and finding it difficult to meet the expenses for her studies. Thomas, his mom, wife and 2 kids are living in a rental hous

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,375.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: Benoy Joseph & July Joseph | Year: 2019-Dec
Yearly Totals for 2019 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $500

#0337 - Case#337

Initiated: 2013-Jul-06 | Benny Davis

This help request is for the study of Alphonsa Sunny. We helped her father(case #326) for treatment. Her father is an auto driver. They are staying in a rented house. Family is finding difficulty in meeting treatment expense and also find money for kids

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,275.00
Last Paid: $500 | Sponsor: AnonymousMac | Year: 2018-Aug
Yearly Totals for 2018 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $500

#0336 - Case#336

Initiated: 2013-Jul-05 | Benny Davis

This request is for the study of Sajin Sojan. He is a 9th grade student at St. Sebastians HS, Neyyassery. His father is an auto driver and mother housewife. He got a sister who is in first grade. Sajin is very good in studies and got A grade for all paper

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,160.00
Last Paid: $325 | Sponsor: Fabin & Jency, mat | Year: 2016-Nov
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $325

#0330 - Case#330

Initiated: 2013-May-15 | Cyril Cherian

Help requestfor Alphonse Francis who is currently studying in IXth at a local school at Koottickal, Kottayam (dist). His mother is a widow and she does daily wage jobs to take care her two children.

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TOTAL RAISED : $600.00
Last Paid: $200 | Sponsor: Jomon and Femina | Year: 2015-May
Yearly Totals for 2015 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $200

#0319 - Case#319

Initiated: 2013-Apr-23 | Cyril Cherian

Maria Varghese is a 5th grade student from a poor family in Kannur. Her parents are daily wage workers and hence finding it difficult to support her studies.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,150.00
Last Paid: $350 | Sponsor: MJ&SJ | Year: 2020-Jul
Yearly Totals for 2020 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $350

#0306 - Case#306

Initiated: 2012-Dec-13 | Benny Davis

This request for Amal, Request from a poor widow Ambika for help with her kids education. She is a daily wage worker in a convent. Her husband passed away and she have 2 kids, Athira 18 and Amal 13. They had an accident and kids need treatment. She is fin

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,100.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Tam | Year: 2015-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2015 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0283 - Case#283

Initiated: 2012-Dec-13 | Benny Davis

This request is for Athira for her education. This request is from a poor widow Ambika for help in her kids education. She is a daily wage worker in a convent. Her husband passed away and she have 2 kids, Athira 18 and Amal 13. They had an accident and ki

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TOTAL RAISED : $450.00
Last Paid: $250 | Sponsor: Ajith Chirayil & Serina, Joby and Anju | Year: 2014-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2014 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $250

#0282 - Case#282

Initiated: 2012-Jul-20 | Benny Davis

This request is from Molly Peter for her daughter Aswathy Peter who is in 12th grade. Molly's husband passed away in an accident. She has 3 daughters. She got a job with monthly salary of Rs.3250($59). She is finding it difficult to meet the daily expenses and the educational expense of the girls.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,530.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Cyriac Antony & Saly Samuel | Year: 2016-Nov

#0272 - Case#272

Initiated: 2012-Apr-07 | Benny Davis

Anitta Kurian is a 7th grade student at Fr. John Berchumans Memorial U.P. School, Malayinkeezhu, Kothamangalam, Kerala. Her father unable to work due to poor health condition (needs weekly dialysis). Mother is a daily wage worker, but she also cannot work

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,110.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: IshaAmiNamiShreya, mat | Year: 2016-Dec
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $600

#0270 - Case#270

Initiated: 2012-Mar-23 | Josemon Joseph

Ancy Baby is a plus one student at Govt. higher Secondary School,Anappara,Wayanad. Her father expired in 2004 and her mother is finding it hard to provide expenses for their education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,610.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Anonymous SJT, PARC, St Thomas Church Teen Prayer Group | Year: 2017-Nov
Yearly Totals for 2017 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0269 - Case#269

Initiated: 2012-Mar-23 | Josemon Joseph

Bincy Baby is 11th grade student in Govt. Higher secondary school, Anappara, Sulthan Bathery, wayanad. Her father expired in 2004 and her monther is finding it hard to provide expenses for their education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $360.00
Last Paid: $180 | Sponsor: PARC | Year: 2013-Aug
Yearly Totals for 2013 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $180

#0266 - Case#266

Initiated: 2012-Mar-05 | Benny Davis

Noble George is a 11th grade student at St.George HSS Kothamangalam, Kerala. His father is a mental patient and need around Rs.1,500 monthly medicine. His mother work in a hospital canteen. She is finding difficulty in continuing kids education and also f

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,100.00
Last Paid: $450 | Sponsor: mat | Year: 2014-May

#0265 - Case#265

Initiated: 2012-Mar-05 | Joseph Samuel

Robin is a 9th standard student at Koodal Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School, Murinjakal, Pathanamthitta.

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TOTAL RAISED : $660.00
Last Paid: $180 | Sponsor: Cyril Cherian, Sanoj | Year: 2014-Oct
Yearly Totals for 2014 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $630

#0264 - Case#264

Initiated: 2012-Feb-24 | Benny Davis

Aleena Byju is a 8th grade student at St. Georges HSS Muthalakodam, Kerala. Her father Biju George is a daily worker with annual income of Rs.7,200($150). Her mother is a housewife. Aleena got around 70% marks for her 1st term exam

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TOTAL RAISED : $940.00
Last Paid: $280 | Sponsor: Sojimon & Bindu | Year: 2015-Jun
Yearly Totals for 2015 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $280

#0263 - Case#263

Initiated: 2012-Feb-24 | Benny Davis

Arun K Peethambaran a 10th grade student at St. Georges HSS Muthalakodam, Kerala. He lost his father 8 years back and his mother Ambika is a daily wage worker. She is finding difficulty to continue Aruns education. Arun is good in his studies and have ar

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TOTAL RAISED : $540.00
Last Paid: $300 | Sponsor: Santosh Nair | Year: 2013-Aug
Yearly Totals for 2013 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $300

#0262 - Case#262

Initiated: 2012-Feb-24 | Benny Davis

Sherin Joseph has completed her 12th with outstanding academic achievements. She belongs to a very poor family and seeking financial help for her entrance coaching classes.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,770.00
Last Paid: $1500 | Sponsor: IshaAmiNamiShreya | Year: 2016-Sep
Yearly Totals for 2016 : Number of help requests : 1 , Total funds collected : $1,500

#0260 - Case#260

Initiated: 2012-Feb-24 | Benny Davis

Joseph Sunny, is a 9th grade student (2016-17) at Little Flower L.P School Oonnukal, Kerala. He lost his father and his mother(House wife) is finding difficulty in meeting his education needs. He is a bright student and got "A" grade in all his exams.

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TOTAL RAISED : $2,075.00
Last Paid: $875 | Sponsor: Agape | Year: 2019-Jan

#0259 - Case#259

Initiated: 2012-Feb-19 | Benny Davis

Abhjith K.R. is a 9th grade student at Little Flower High School Oonnukal, Kerala. His father K.N Ravi is daily wage worker and is finding difficulty to continue his education.

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TOTAL RAISED : $1,850.00
Last Paid: $750 | Sponsor: Anonymous SJT, Tam | Year: 2019-Jan
Yearly Totals for 2019 : Number of help requests : 2 , Total funds collected : $1,625

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